Here is how you can store encrypted passwords in D365FO:
1. Preferably create a new table specifically for this purpose
Create a new field of type container and EDT EncryptedField called "Password"
2. Overwrite update and insert methods of the table:
public void update() { Global::handleEncryptedTablePreUpdate(this); super(); Global::handleEncryptedTablePostUpdate(this); } public void insert() { Global::handleEncryptedTablePreInsert(this); super(); Global::handleEncryptedTablePostInsert(this); }
3. Add edit method to the table
public edit Password passwordEdit(boolean _set, Password value) { System.Exception ex; Password password = ''; try { password = Global::editEncryptedField(this, value, fieldNum(VKParameters, Password), _set); } catch (ex) { boolean exceptionNested = false; while (ex != null) { exceptionNested = true; ex = ex.InnerException; } if (_set) { warning(strFmt("Failed to save the '%1'. Please try again.", fieldId2PName(tableNum(VKParameters), fieldNum(VKParameters, Password)))); } else { warning(strFmt("Failed to read the '%1'. Please clear and re-enter it.", fieldId2PName(tableNum(VKParameters), fieldNum(VKParameters, Password)))); } } return password; }4. On the form, change property Password Style = Yes for the password control
Info(parameters.passwordEdit(false, ''));
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