class SingletonClass { public static SingletonClass instance() { SingletonClass singleton; // AX2012 //SysGlobalCache globalCache = infolog.objectOnServer() ? appl.globalCache() : infolog.globalCache(); // AX7/d365 SysGlobalCache globalCache = appl.globalCache(); if (globalCache.isSet(classStr(SingletonClass), 0)) { singleton = globalCache.get(classStr(SingletonClass), 0); } else { singleton = new SingletonClass(); // Additional line for AX2012 //infoLog.globalCache().set(classStr(SingletonClass), 0, singleton); appl.globalCache().set(classStr(SingletonClass), 0, singleton); } return singleton; } // Should be private, but AX7/D365 gives BP error protected void new() { } }Alternative: Context and System.IDisposable is free platform that allows you to quickly store and reuse snippets, notes, articles related to Dynamics AX.
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