class VKSingletonTest { private int rand; public static VKSingletonTest instance() { const str mySysGlobalCacheKey = 'VKSingletonTest'; VKSingletonTest singleton; // AX2012 //SysGlobalCache globalCache = infolog.objectOnServer() ? appl.globalCache() : infolog.globalCache(); // AX7/d365 SysGlobalCache globalCache = appl.globalCache(); if (globalCache.isSet(classStr(VKSingletonTest), mySysGlobalCacheKey)) { Info('cached instance'); singleton = globalCache.get(classStr(VKSingletonTest), mySysGlobalCacheKey); } else { Info('new instance'); singleton = new VKSingletonTest(); // Additional line for AX2012 //globalCache.set(classStr(SingletonClass), mySysGlobalCacheKey, singleton); globalCache.set(classStr(VKSingletonTest), mySysGlobalCacheKey, singleton); } return singleton; } protected void new() { Random Random = new Random(); rand = Random.nextInt(); } public int getRand() { return rand; } }Simplified for D365F&SCM:
class VKSingletonTest { private static VKSingletonTest singleton = new VKSingletonTest(); private int rand; public static VKSingletonTest instance() { return singleton; } protected void new() { Random Random = new Random(); rand = Random.nextInt(); } public int getRand() { return rand; } }
class VKTest { public static void main(Args _args) { VKSingletonTest singleton = VKSingletonTest::instance(); info(strFmt("%1", singleton.getRand())); singleton = VKSingletonTest::instance(); info(strFmt("%1", singleton.getRand())); } }Both numbers will be the same in a single execution. However, for the next job execution numbers will be different.
class VKSingletonTest { private int rand; #define.CurrentVersion(1) #localMacro.CurrentList rand #endmacro public static VKSingletonTest instance() { const str myScopeKey = 'VKSingletonTest'; container cacheKey = ['VKSingletonTest']; container cacheValue; VKSingletonTest singleton; SysGlobalObjectCache globalCache = new SysGlobalObjectCache(); cacheValue = globalCache.find(myScopeKey, cacheKey); if (cacheValue == conNull()) { Info('new instance'); singleton = new VKSingletonTest(); globalCache.insert(myScopeKey, cacheKey, singleton.pack()); } else { Info('cached instance'); singleton = new VKSingletonTest(); singleton.unpack(cacheValue); } return singleton; } protected void new() { Random Random = new Random(); rand = Random.nextInt(); } public int getRand() { return rand; } public container pack() { return [#CurrentVersion, #CurrentList]; } public boolean unpack(container packedClass) { Version version = RunBase::getVersion(packedClass); switch (version) { case #CurrentVersion: [version, #CurrentList] = packedClass; break; default: return false; } return true; } }Standard example with caching values in CustVendExternalItemDescription class.
All entries in SysGlobalObjectCache can be removed for by running a class that uses the following URL:
The SysFlushAOD class clears all cache in SysGlobalObjectCache.
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