Results. The value "DataSourceName" is not found in the map.

Error: Results. The value "DataSourceName" is not found in the map.
Usually happens when adding Name from DirPerson (DirPartyTable) data source joined to HcmWorker_Orderer data source on PurchPurchaseOrderHeaderV2Entity data entity or HcmWorker_OrderResponsible / HcmWorker_OrderTaker data sources on SalesOrderHeaderV3Entity data entity.
Remove the new data source and replace the column with computer one:
/// <summary>
/// Extension Class for PurchPurchaseOrderHeaderV2Entity data entity.
/// </summary>
final class VKPurchPurchaseOrderHeaderV2Entity_Extension
    public static str getOrdererName()
        DictView    purchaseOrderEntity = new DictView(tableNum(PurchPurchaseOrderHeaderV2Entity));
        str         orderEntityDS       = dataEntityDataSourceStr(PurchPurchaseOrderHeaderV2Entity, HcmWorker_Orderer);

        str sqlQuery = strFmt(@"select %1 from %2 where %3=%4",
                                fieldStr(DirPerson, Name),
                                fieldStr(DirPartyTable, RecId),
                                purchaseOrderEntity.computedColumnString(orderEntityDS, fieldStr(HcmWorker, Person))

        return sqlQuery;
Data entity field:
        <AxDataEntityViewField xmlns=""



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