/// <summary> /// Defines the design time experience for the VKIframe. /// </summary> [FormDesignControlAttribute('VKIframeControl')] [FormDesignValidContainerControlAttribute(classstr(FormTabPageControl))] [FormDesignValidContainerControlAttribute(classstr(FormGroupControl))] public class VKIframeBuildControl extends FormBuildControl { str url; str title; public void new(FormContainer _container) { super(_container); } [FormDesignProperty('URL', 'Behavior')] public str url(str _value = '') { if (!prmisdefault(_value)) { url = _value; } return url; } [FormDesignProperty('Title', 'Behavior')] public str title(str _value = '') { if (!prmisdefault(_value)) { title = _value; } return title; } }
/// <summary> /// VKIframe control /// </summary> [FormControlAttribute('VKIframeControl', '/resources/html/VKIframeHTML.html', classStr(VKIframeBuildControl))] public class VKIframeControl extends FormTemplateControl { private FormProperty Url; private FormProperty Title; public void new(FormBuildControl _build, FormRun _formRun) { super(_build, _formRun); this.setTemplateId(classStr(VKIframeControl)); this.setResourceBundleName('/Resources/HTML/VKIframeHTML.html'); Url = properties.addProperty(methodStr(VKIframeControl, url), Types::String); Title = properties.addProperty(methodStr(VKIframeControl, title), Types::String); } [FormPropertyAttribute(FormPropertyKind::BindableValue, identifierStr(Url), true)] public str url(str _url = Url.parmValue()) { if (!prmIsDefault(_url)) { Url.parmValue(_url); } return Url.parmValue(); } [FormPropertyAttribute(FormPropertyKind::BindableValue, identifierStr(Title), true)] public str title(str _title = Title.parmValue()) { if (!prmIsDefault(_title)) { Title.parmValue(_title); } return Title.parmValue(); } /// <summary> /// Applies the build configurations to the run instance of the control. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// ApplyBuild of the form part control should be called only in formRun::Init() method. /// </remarks> public void applyBuild() { super(); var build = this.build() as VKIframeBuildControl; if (build) { this.url(build.url()); this.title(build.title()); } } [FormCommandAttribute(identifierstr(UpdatePaymentStatus), true)] public void updatePaymentStatus(str serializedJson) { // this method will be also available on the form control level info('updatePaymentStatus: ' + serializedJson); } }updatePaymentStatus method will also be available at the form control level:
<script src="/resources/scripts/VKIframeJS.js"></script> <div id="VKIframeControl" class="iframeControl fill-width" style="overflow:hidden" data-dyn-bind="sizing: { width: $dyn.layout.Size.available, height: $dyn.layout.Size.available }"> <iframe class="iframeControl-frame" style="border:0px; width:100%; height:100%" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-forms allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox" data-dyn-bind="title: $data.Title"></iframe> </div>
(function () { 'use strict'; Globalize.addCultureInfo('en', { messages: { IFrame_iFrameTitle: "Payment", } }); $dyn.controls.VKIframeControl = function (data, element) { $dyn.ui.Control.apply(this, arguments); if (data.Url) { var self = this; $dyn.bulkObserve({ url: data.Url }, function (changes) { self.onPropChanged(changes.url); }, self.Updating, self); } }; $dyn.controls.VKIframeControl.prototype = $dyn.extendPrototype($dyn.ui.Control.prototype, { Url: undefined, Title: undefined, init: function () { $dyn.ui.Control.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments); if (this.Title === undefined) { this.Title($dyn.label('IFrame_iFrameTitle')); } if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener("message", this.applyContext(this.onMessageReceive, this), false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent("onmessage", this.applyContext(this.onMessageReceive, this), false); } }, onPropChanged: function (urlChanged) { var webHostIframe = this.getIFrameElement(); if (urlChanged && webHostIframe) { webHostIframe.setAttribute('src', this.Url()); } }, getIFrameElement: function () { var webHostIframe = undefined; var iframes = this.element.getElementsByTagName('iframe'); if (iframes && iframes.length) { webHostIframe = iframes[0]; //There is only one iframe in webHost control } return webHostIframe; }, applyContext: function (Func, Context) { return function () { return Func.apply(Context, arguments); } }, onMessageReceive: function (event, ui) { var data = event.data; if ($dyn.callFunction) { $dyn.callFunction(this.UpdatePaymentStatus, this, [data], function () { /* executes on success */ }); } } }); })();Resources:
<html> <body> <script> function clickMe() { console.log('iFrame: clickMe'); window.parent.postMessage({ 'code': 'transIdent', 'paymentStatus': 'Paid', 'amount': 10.56, 'description': 'SO-000405', 'currency': 'GBP' }, "*"); } </script> <a href="javascript: clickMe();">click me</a> </body> </html>
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