/// <summary> /// CoC for WHSOutboundSortPosition table /// </summary> [ExtensionOf(tablestr(WHSOutboundSortPosition))] final class VKWHSOutboundSortPositionTbl_Extension { /// <summary> /// CoC for insert method /// </summary> public void insert() { WHSOutboundSortTemplate whsOutboundSortTemplate = WHSOutboundSortTemplate::find(this.SortTemplateId); if (whsOutboundSortTemplate.VKGenerateLicencePlate) { WHSLicensePlate whsLicensePlate; WHSLicensePlateId licensePlateId; licensePlateId = NumberSeq::newGetNum(WHSParameters::numRefWHSLicensePlateId()).num(); whsLicensePlate.clear(); whsLicensePlate.initValue(); whsLicensePlate.LicensePlateId = licensePlateId; whsLicensePlate.insert(); this.LicensePlateId = licensePlateId; } next insert(); } }
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