Manual VS 2022 installation on old D365 F&SCM boxes

- Download and install VS 2022 professional:
- Following components should be selected:

- download any deployable package with binaries (upgrade). Check for K:\DeployablePackages several might already be available on the dev box.
- Open DevToolsService\Scripts from it
- execute file Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Tools.Installer.17.0.vsix

VS 2022 works with files *.17.0.vsix
Also VS 2022 can open old projects, however, it changes one line in the project to (in the end of the .rnrproj file):
<Import Project="$(BuildTasksDirectory)\Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Tools.BuildTasks.17.0.targets" />
In order for VS 2019 to open such a project it needs to be changed back to:
<Import Project="$(BuildTasksDirectory)\Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Tools.BuildTasks.targets" />



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