Select address, phone, email, contact information purposes (roles)

Here is the code to select contac information or addresses purposes (roles):

        CustTable custTable = CustTable::find('12345');

        LogisticsPostalAddress logisticsPostalAddress = custTable.postalAddress();

        DirPartyLocationRole entityLocationRole;

        container                   roleRecIds, roleNames, roleTranslationRecIds;
        LogisticsLocationRole       locationRole;
        LogisticsLocationRoleTranslation locationRoleTransl;
        DirPartyLocation            dirPartyLocation;

        // Addresses
        info(strFmt("Address: %1", logisticsPostalAddress.Address));

        select dirPartyLocation
            where dirPartyLocation.Location == logisticsPostalAddress.Location
            && dirPartyLocation.Party == custTable.Party;

        info('Address purposes:');

        while select LocationRole from entityLocationRole
        where entityLocationRole.PartyLocation == dirPartyLocation.RecId
        join Name from locationRole
            order by locationRole.Name
            where locationRole.RecId == entityLocationRole.LocationRole
                    && locationRole.Type != LogisticsLocationRoleType::OneTime
        outer join Description from locationRoleTransl
            where locationRoleTransl.LocationRole == locationRole.RecId
                    && locationRoleTransl.LanguageId == currentUserLanguage()
            info((locationRoleTransl.Description == '' ? locationRole.Name : locationRoleTransl.Description));

        // Contact information
        LogisticsElectronicAddress electronicAddress = DirParty::primaryElectronicAddress(custTable.Party, LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType::Phone);

        info(strFmt("Phone: %1", electronicAddress.Locator));

        info('Phone purposes:');

        LogisticsElectronicAddressRole logisticsElectronicAddressRole;
        UserInfo    userInfo;

        while select LocationRole from logisticsElectronicAddressRole
            join Name from locationRole
            outer join Description from locationRoleTransl
            exists join userInfo
            order by locationRole.Name
            where logisticsElectronicAddressRole.LocationRole == locationRole.RecId &&
                      logisticsElectronicAddressRole.ElectronicAddress == electronicAddress.RecId &&
                      (locationRole.Type != LogisticsLocationRoleType::OneTime) &&
                      locationRoleTransl.LocationRole == locationRole.RecId &&
                      locationRoleTransl.LanguageId == userInfo.Language &&
                      userInfo.Id == curUserId()
            info((locationRoleTransl.Description == '' ? locationRole.Name : locationRoleTransl.Description));

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