using Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.MetaModel; class VKTest { Map edtMap; List edtList; str edtListText; str fieldListText; public static void main(Args _args) { VKTest vkTest = new VKTest(); vkTest.buildEDTList(); vkTest.tableList2(); vkTest.outputResults(); Info('Done'); } public void outputResults() { Info(edtListText); Info(fieldListText); } public void buildEDTList() { DictType dictType = new DictType(extendedTypeNum(WeightBase)); edtList = dictType.extendedBy(true); //Info(strFmt("EDT count: %1", edtList.elements())); edtMap = new Map(Types::Integer, Types::Integer); ListEnumerator le = edtList.getEnumerator(); while (le.movenext()) { edtListText += extendedTypeId2name(le.current()) + "\n"; edtMap.insert(le.current(), 1); //Info(strFmt("%1", le.current())); } } // walk through all tables and fields, using TreeNode public void tableList1() { TreeNode treeNode; xInfo xInfo = new xInfo(); #AOT treeNode = xInfo.findNode(#TablesPath); treeNode = treeNode.AOTfirstChild(); /* // To directly iterate through table fields TableName tableName = tableStr(SalesLine); treeNode = xInfo.findNode(#TablesPath + "\\" + tableName); treeNode = treeNode.AOTfindChild('Fields'); treeNode = treeNode.AOTfirstChild(); */ while (treeNode) { info(treeNode.treeNodeName()); DictTable table = new DictTable(tableName2Id(treeNode.treeNodeName())); DictField field; FieldId fieldId = table.fieldNext(0); while(fieldId) { field = table.fieldObject(fieldId); if(field.isSql() && !field.isSystem()) { /* field.tableid();;; field.label();; */ //Info(strFmt("%1.%2: %3",,, extendedTypeId2name(field.typeId()))); } fieldId = table.fieldNext(fieldId); } treeNode = treeNode.AOTnextSibling(); break; } } // walk through all tables and fields, using Dictionary public void tableList2() { Dictionary dict = new Dictionary(); TableId tableId; tableId = dict.tableNext(0); while (tableId) { if(dict.tableSql(TableId)) { DictTable table = dict.tableObject(tableId); DictField field; FieldId fieldId = table.fieldNext(0); while(fieldId) { field = table.fieldObject(fieldId); if(field.isSql() && !field.isSystem()) { /* field.tableid();;; field.label();; */ // Info(strFmt("%1.%2: %3",,, extendedTypeId2name(field.typeId()))); if (Types::Real == field.baseType()) { this.checkField2(table, field); //break; } } fieldId = table.fieldNext(fieldId); } } tableId = dict.tableNext(TableId); //break; } } // walk through all tables and fields, using MetadataSupport public void tableList3() { TableId tableId; var tables = Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.MetadataSupport::GetAllTables(); var tableEnum = tables.GetEnumerator(); while(tableEnum.MoveNext()) { /* using Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.MetaModel; or full name Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.MetaModel.AxTable */ AxTable table = tableEnum.Current; tableId = tableName2Id(table.Name); /* table.Name; table.Label; table.SaveDataPerCompany */ var fieldEnum = table.Fields.GetEnumerator(); while(fieldEnum.MoveNext()) { AxTableField field = fieldEnum.Current; int fieldId = fieldName2Id(tableId,; /* field.Name; field.Label; field.HelpText; field.AssetClassification; */ Info(strFmt("%1.%2: %3", table.Name, field.Name, field.ExtendedDataType)); } break; } } public void checkField2(DictTable _table, DictField _field) { int typeId = _field.typeId(); if (edtMap.exists(typeId)) { str line = strFmt("%1(%2).%3(%4): %3",, _table.label(),, _field.label(), extendedTypeId2name(typeId)); fieldListText += line + "\n"; } } }For example, check which fields will be affected when changing decimal point precision: is free platform that allows you to quickly store and reuse snippets, notes, articles related to Dynamics AX.
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