Electronic Reporting: Application specific parameters setup is not completed for the 'VK' company.

Application specific parameters setup is not completed for the 'VK' company.
Error while evaluating expression for path 'ContainerForLookups/ReportFieldLookup'

Set breakpoint to: class ERSolutionVersionAppSpecificParametersApplierFactory.createApplier
To undestand which solution (ERSolutionVersionTable _solutionVersionTable) is used to get parameters from.

Actual parameters selection from ERSolutionVersionAppSpecificParametersTable table. You can set breakpoint here and get understanding what solutionGuid and version is used
class ERSolutionVersionAppSpecificParametersStorageInAxTables.getParametersBySolutionVersionKeyCrossCompany
It will then go to either getParametersBySolutionVersionKeyCrossCompanyWithPrev or getParametersBySolutionVersionKeyCrossCompanyWithoutPrev

Go to Organization administration / Workspaces / Electronic reporting / Reporting configurations / Find right one in hierarchy (solution name) / On the Action Pane, on the Configurations tab, in the Application specific parameters group, select Setup
Select required version and make sure it has required setup (Conditions) and State is Completed
When changed browse table ERSolutionVersionAppSpecificParametersTable and make sure State is changed to Completed




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