Custom scripts

- create a new model containing only one Runnable class
- write code in main method of that class
- create deployable package from VS for that model
- upload package to System administration / Periodic tasks / Database / Custom scripts
- Second person to approve script
- First person to Validate / Test
- script will be executed with ttsabourt at the end
- check Details field with output of SQL statements and infolog information including all errors
- click Validate / Test validated
- click Run / Run
- validate that data was fixed by reviewing real data in D365FO
- click Finilize / Verify

class VKDataFix651
    /// <summary>
    /// Deleting odd transaction, which left from work which is not longer available in the system.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name = "_args">The specified arguments.</param>
    public static void main(Args _args)
        InventTransOrigin   inventTransOrigin;
        InventTransRefId    workId = 'WRK086211';
        ItemId              itemId = '218612';

        if (curExt() != 'VK')
            throw error("This script must run in the VK company!");

        while select forupdate inventTransOrigin
            where inventTransOrigin.ReferenceId == workId
               && inventTransOrigin.ReferenceCategory == InventTransType::WHSWork
               && inventTransOrigin.ItemId == itemId
            info(strFmt('inventTransOrigin %1 deleted', inventTransOrigin.RecId));

        select firstonly inventTransOrigin
            where inventTransOrigin.ReferenceId == workId
               && inventTransOrigin.ReferenceCategory == InventTransType::WHSWork
               && inventTransOrigin.ItemId == itemId;

        if (!inventTransOrigin)

Please be aware that this framework is designed to handle really small amount of data. The problem is that it start SQL trace - which logs every data update. So for thousands of records it will try to write thousands of entries to log - and this times out in UI. Obviously it will work correctly in DEV environment as it executes as a usual job, however it might fail in Tier-2 environments.

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