CustTable custTable, custTableCompany; VKTmpRecIdFilter tmpRecIdFilter; insert_recordset tmpRecIdFilter (RefRecId, RefTableId) select Party, TableId from custTableCompany group by Party; while select crossCompany custTable where custTable.DataAreaId != curExt() notexists join tmpRecIdFilter where tmpRecIdFilter.RefRecId == custTable.Party { // insert }
select generateOnly crossCompany custTable where custTable.DataAreaId != curExt() notexists join tmpRecIdFilter where tmpRecIdFilter.RefRecId == custTable.Party; info(custTable.getSQLStatement());
SELECT * FROM CUSTTABLE T1 WHERE ((T1.PARTITION=5637144576) AND (T1.DATAAREAID<>?)) AND NOT (EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM tempdb."DBO".t66271IISREGFO1DEV05142404_B47785E49D4546B8A1B4BDDE481AB759 T2 WHERE ((T2.PARTITION=5637144576) AND (T2.REFRECID=T1.PARTY))))Following select statement will not work as expected:
select generateOnly crossCompany custTable where custTable.DataAreaId != curExt() notexists join custTableCompany where custTableCompany.Party == custTable.Party &&custTableCompany.DataAreaId == curExt();
SELECT * FROM CUSTTABLE T1 WHERE ((T1.PARTITION=5637144576) AND (T1.DATAAREAID<>?)) AND NOT (EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM CUSTTABLE T2 WHERE ((T2.PARTITION=5637144576) AND ((T2.PARTY=T1.PARTY AND (T2.DATAAREAID = T1.DATAAREAID) AND (T2.PARTITION = T1.PARTITION)) AND (T2.DATAAREAID=?))))) is free platform that allows you to quickly store and reuse snippets, notes, articles related to Dynamics AX.
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