VersioningPurchaseOrder versioningPO; if (poTable.ChangeRequestRequired) { poTable = PurchTable::find(purchId, true); versioningPO = VersioningPurchaseOrder::newPurchaseOrder(poTable); if (versioningPO.canChangeBeRequested()) { versioningPO.createChangeRequest(); } else { throw error(strFmt("Cannot submit because a change request cannot be created for purchase order : %1", purchId)); } } // PO update // If Change Requests are required, submit the request. if (poTable.ChangeRequestRequired) { poTable = PurchTable::find(purchId, true); versioningPO = VersioningPurchaseOrder::newPurchaseOrder(poTable); versioningPO.submitChangeRequest(); versioningPO.approveChangeRequest(); // auto approve change }
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