Simple custom service implementation example ax 2012

Service class:
class VKOCalcService { }
[SysEntryPointAttribute(true),  AifCollectionTypeAttribute('return', Types::Class, classStr(VKOCalcContract)),  AifCollectionTypeAttribute('_calcContract', Types::Class, classStr(VKOCalcResponseContract))] public VKOCalcResponseContract calc(VKOCalcContract _calcContract) {     VKOCalcResponseContract response    = new VKOCalcResponseContract();     real                    result;     int                     a1          = _calcContract.parmArg1(),                             a2          = _calcContract.parmArg2();     switch (_calcContract.parmOperation())     {         case VKOCalcOperation::add:             result = a1 + a2;             break;         case VKOCalcOperation::sub:             result = a1 - a2;             break;         case VKOCalcOperation::multiply:             result = a1 * a2;             break;         case VKOCalcOperation::divide:             result = a1 / a2;             break;     }     response.parmResult(result);     return response; }
[DataContractAttribute("Calc")] class VKOCalcContract {     int                 arg1;     int                 arg2;     VKOCalcOperation    operation;     VKOCalcSubContract  subCalc;     List                subList; }
[DataMemberAttribute("arg1")] public int parmArg1(int _arg1 = arg1) {     arg1 = _arg1;     return arg1; }
[DataMemberAttribute("arg2")] public int parmArg2(int _arg2 = arg2) {     arg2 = _arg2;     return arg2; }
[DataMemberAttribute("operation")] public int parmOperation(int _operation = operation) {     operation = _operation;     return operation; }
//This parm is just for demonstration on how you can use nested contracts and lists [DataMemberAttribute("subCalc")] public VKOCalcSubContract parmSubCalc(VKOCalcSubContract _subCalc = subCalc) {     subCalc = _subCalc;     return subCalc; }
Sub contract:
[DataContractAttribute("SubCalc")] class VKOCalcSubContract {     int a; }
[DataMemberAttribute("a")] public int parmA(int _a = a) {     a = _a;     return a; }
Response contract:
[DataContractAttribute] class VKOCalcResponseContract {     real result; }
[DataMemberAttribute("result")] public real parmResult(real _result = result) {     result = _result;     return result; }
Additionally you will need to
- create service pointing to the service class with service operation pointing to the calc method of service class.
- create service group holding created service
- deploy service group
- create inbound endpoint
  - uncheck transformation
  - Adapter: HTTP
  - Expose service operations: created service
  - Security Restrict users: your account
  - Security Allow trusted intermediary to impersonate: your account

To test use SoapUI or Postman.
- create project using wsdl URL (this might require to enable Anonymous Authentication at IIS and then iisreset cmd, later can be disabled)
- Authorization NTLM

Request example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:dat="" xmlns:arr="" xmlns:tem="" xmlns:dyn="">
Response example:
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
      <VKOCalcServiceCalcResponse xmlns="">
         <response xmlns:b="" xmlns:i="">

Custom service development (russian):
Postman and SOAP:
D365 custom service example:



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