FormletterService formletterService;
- afteryour serviceClass.callObject write additional code like this one (depending onparameters count, return value and method to call)
if (false) { formletterService = proxy; operationReturnValue = formletterService.postSalesOrderPackingSlip(o1); }
- set break point to serviceClass.callObject
- in debugger move execution cursor inside your if statement
If execution of process if marshaled under specific user usingSysOperationRPCFrameworkService::runServiceOperation
Two solutions for that
1. Set break poin to \Classes\SysOperationServiceController\run
In debugger move execution cursor to one of the this.runOperation(false/*sync*/);
2. Modify \Classes\SysOperationRPCFrameworkService\runServiceOperation tothe following look:
public static container runServiceOperation(ClassId controllerClassId, container packedController) { // Use the runas API to transition to a CLR session new XppILExecutePermission().assert(); /* TODO: temp solution to debug issue return SysDictClass::invokeStaticMethodIL(classStr(SysOperationServiceController), staticMethodStr(SysOperationServiceController, runServiceOperation), [controllerClassId, packedController]); */ return SysOperationServiceController::runServiceOperation([controllerClassId, packedController]); }
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