class MultiSelectRunBaseBatch extends RunBaseBatch { container warehouses; SysLookupMultiSelectCtrl warehouseMultiSelect; FormBuildStringControl warehouseCtrl; DialogField warehousesField; #define.CurrentVersion(1) #localMacro.CurrentList warehouses #endmacro } protected Object dialog() { DialogRunbase dialog; DialogGroup dialogGroup; FormBuildControl formBuildControl; dialog = super(); dialog.allowUpdateOnSelectCtrl(true); dialogGroup = dialog.addGroup(); formBuildControl = dialog.formBuildDesign().control(dialogGroup.formBuildGroup().id()); warehouseCtrl = formBuildControl.addControl(FormControlType::String, identifierstr(InventLocationId)); warehouseCtrl.label("@SYS6437"); return dialog; } public void dialogPostRun(DialogRunbase dialog) { FormRun formRun; FormStringControl fsCtrlWarehouse; Query q; QueryBuildDataSource qbds; q = new Query(); qbds = q.addDataSource(tablenum(InventLocation)); qbds.addSelectionField(fieldNum(InventLocation, InventLocationId)); qbds.addSelectionField(fieldNum(InventLocation, Name)); super(dialog); formRun = dialog.dialogForm().formRun(); if (formRun) { fsCtrlWarehouse =; warehouseMultiSelect = SysLookupMultiSelectCtrl::constructWithQuery(formRun, fsCtrlWarehouse, q); warehouseMultiSelect.set([this.warehouseIdsToRecIds(warehouses), warehouses]); } } public boolean getFromDialog() { boolean ret; ret = super(); warehouses = this.warehouseRecIdsToIDs(warehouseMultiSelect.get()); return ret; } public container pack() { return [#CurrentVersion, #CurrentList]; } public void run() { } public boolean unpack(container packedClass) { Version version = RunBase::getVersion(packedClass); switch (version) { case #CurrentVersion: [version, #CurrentList] = packedClass; break; default: return false; } return true; } public static MultiSelectRunBaseBatch construct() { return new MultiSelectRunBaseBatch(); } client server static ClassDescription description() { return "Multi-select run base batch"; } public static void main(Args _args) { MultiSelectRunBaseBatch batch = MultiSelectRunBaseBatch::construct(); if (batch.prompt()) {; } } public container warehouseIdsToRecIds(container _warehouseIds) { InventLocation inventLocation; InventLocationId inventLocationId; container warehouseRecIds; int i; warehouseRecIds = conNull(); for (i = 1; i <= conLen(_warehouseIds); i++) { inventLocationId = conPeek(_warehouseIds, i); select firstOnly RecId from inventLocation where inventLocation.InventLocationId == inventLocationId; warehouseRecIds += [inventLocation.RecId]; } return warehouseRecIds; } public container warehouseRecIdsToIDs(container _warehouseRecIds) { InventLocation inventLocation; RecId inventLocationRecId; container warehouseIds; int i; warehouseIds = conNull(); for (i = 1; i <= conLen(_warehouseRecIds); i++) { inventLocationRecId = conPeek(_warehouseRecIds, i); select firstOnly InventLocationId from inventLocation where inventLocation.RecId == inventLocationRecId; warehouseIds += [inventLocation.InventLocationId]; } return warehouseIds; } is free platform that allows you to quickly store and reuse snippets, notes, articles related to Dynamics AX.
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