class VKORetailChannelProfileExtension { /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> [PostHandlerFor(formStr(RetailChannelProfile), formMethodStr(RetailChannelProfile, updatePropertyKeyControl))] public static void RetailChannelProfile_Post_updatePropertyKeyControl(XppPrePostArgs args) { FormRun formRun = Args.getThis(); FormComboBoxControl comboBox; comboBox =; if (comboBox) { switch (comboBox.enumType()) { case enumNum(RetailServerProfilePropertyKey): comboBox.enumType(enumNum(VKORetailServerProfilePropertyKey)); break; } } } }You will need to duplicate standard enum, in my case it is RetailServerProfilePropertyKey and add there your new elements. Do not forget to leave a gap between standard values. is free platform that allows you to quickly store and reuse snippets, notes, articles related to Dynamics AX.
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