class VKOReflectionBase { private int privateVar; public void new() { privateVar = 1; } public static void main(Args _args) { VKOReflectionBase reflectionTest; reflectionTest = new VKOReflectionBase();; } public void run() { this.someExtensionMethod(); info(strFmt("private: %1", privateVar)); } private int privateMethod(int _int, str _str) { info(strFmt("private method: %1-%2", _int, _str)); return _int*2; } }Extension class (Same works for event handlers, just replace this with instance of object):
using System.Reflection; [ExtensionOf(classStr(VKOReflectionBase))] final class VKOReflectionBase_Extension { public void setPrivateVar(int _newValue) { var bindFlags = BindingFlags::Instance | BindingFlags::NonPublic; var field = this.GetType().GetField(identifierStr(privateVar), bindFlags); // this can be any instantiated object if (field) { int localVar = field.GetValue(this); // getting value field.SetValue(this, _newValue); // setting value } } public void callPrivateMethod() { System.Object[] parametersArray = new System.Object[2](); parametersArray.SetValue(5, 0); parametersArray.SetValue('str', 1); var bindFlags = BindingFlags::Instance | BindingFlags::NonPublic; var methodInfo = this.GetType().GetMethod(methodStr(VKOReflectionBase, privateMethod), bindFlags); if (methodInfo) { int returnValue; returnValue = methodInfo.Invoke(this, parametersArray); // Or use "new System.Object[0]()" instead of parametersArray if you do not have any parameters } } public void someExtensionMethod() { this.setPrivateVar(5); this.callPrivateMethod(); } }
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