Getting access to new AX7 environment

Depending on the d365 version, try one of the following approaches:

1. Through Visual Studio: table browser
 - open Windows Settings
- in search box type and open: Default app settings
- Set Web browser as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge
- Save, close
- Open Visual Studio as administrator
- In AOT right click any table and choose Open table browser
- New Internet Browser will open with AX.
- Go to System Administrator -> Users
- Add new user using Import Users or create manually:
  As Provider use following:
  Where is domain of your account
  Do not forget to add System administrator role

2. Through Visual Studio: debugger
- Open Visual Studio as administrator
- (Exetnsions) Dynamics 365 -> Options -> Debuggins -> Default browser to use when running projects set as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge
- Use existing model or create new extension model
- Use existing Project or create new project
- Create new Runnable class (ctrl+shift+a then Code->Runnable Class (Job))
With simple info log message like:

class StartJob
    /// <summary>
    /// Runs the class with the specified arguments.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name = "_args">The specified arguments.</param>
    public static void main(Args _args)
- Set created class as Startup Project in context menu
- Start execution
- New Internet Browser will open with AX.
- Go to System Administrator -> Users
- Add new user using Import Users or create manually:
  As Provider use following:
  Where is domain of your account
  Do not forget to add System administrator role

3. AdminUserProvisioning.exe
Location might be different. You may find it at your desktop as a shortcut or at K:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin\AdminUserProvisioning.exe
The drive might be different. You can also try to search by the file name.



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