class VKSalesOrderCloseDialog extends RunBase { DialogField dlgHoldCode, dlgReasonCode, dlgNotes; MCRHoldCode holdCode; RetailInformationSubcodeId reasonCode; Notes notes; #DEFINE.CurrentVersion(1) #LOCALMACRO.CurrentList #ENDMACRO } Object dialog() { Dialog dialog = super(); dialog.caption("@MCR10327"); dlgHoldCode = dialog.addFieldValue(extendedTypeStr(MCRHoldCode), holdCode); dlgReasonCode = dialog.addFieldValue(extendedTypeStr(RetailInformationSubcodeId), reasonCode, "@MCR10280", "@MCR4410119"); dlgReasonCode.registerOverrideMethod(methodStr(FormStringControl, lookup), methodStr(VKSalesOrderCloseDialog, reasonCode_lookup), this); dlgNotes = dialog.addFieldValue(extendedTypeStr(Notes), notes); return dialog; } boolean getFromDialog() { holdCode = dlgHoldCode.value(); reasonCode = dlgReasonCode.value(); notes = dlgNotes.value(); return true; } public container pack() { //return [#CurrentVersion,#CurrentList]; return [#CurrentVersion]; } public MCRHoldCode parmHoldCode(MCRHoldCode _holdCode = holdCode) { holdCode = _holdCode; return holdCode; } public Notes parmNotes(Notes _notes = notes) { notes = _notes; return notes; } public RetailInformationSubcodeId parmReasonCode(RetailInformationSubcodeId _reasonCode = reasonCode) { reasonCode = _reasonCode; return reasonCode; } private void reasonCode_lookup(FormStringControl control) { RetailMCRChannelTable::lookupReasonCodes(control); } public boolean unpack(container _packedClass) { int version = conpeek(_packedClass, 1); switch (version) { case #CurrentVersion: //[version,#CurrentList] = _packedClass; [version] = _packedClass; break; default : return false; } return true; } boolean validate(Object _calledFrom = null) { boolean ret; ret = super(_calledFrom); if (!holdCode) { ret = checkFailed("@VK7302"); } return ret; } public static boolean main(Args args) { VKSalesOrderCloseDialog salesOrderCloseDialog; boolean ret = false; SalesTable salesTable; ; salesOrderCloseDialog = new VKSalesOrderCloseDialog(); if (tableNum(SalesTable) == args.dataset()) { salesTable = args.record(); } if (!salesTable) { throw error(Error::missingRecord(tableId2pname(tableNum(SalesTable)))); } if (salesOrderCloseDialog.prompt()) { VKCallCenterIntegrationUtilities::createHold(salesTable.SalesId, salesOrderCloseDialog.parmHoldCode(), salesOrderCloseDialog.parmNotes(), salesOrderCloseDialog.parmReasonCode()); ret = true; } return ret; }Usage:
ret = VKSalesOrderCloseDialog::main(dialogArgs);
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