FormDataSource formDataSource; FormRun callingForm; int dataSourceNo; Common callingRecord; super(); if (element.args().record().isFormDataSource()) { callingRecord = element.args().record().data(); callingForm = element.args().caller(); // Reread the data sources instead of refreshing the whole query // as we only need to update the current record and calling research() has a huge perf impact in this case. // A call to active() is needed to trigger the button state update logic. for (dataSourceNo = 1; dataSourceNo <= callingForm.dataSourceCount(); dataSourceNo++) { formDataSource = callingForm.dataSource(dataSourceNo); if ( formDataSource.table() == tableNum(EcoResStorageDimensionGroupItem) || formDataSource.table() == tableNum(EcoResTrackingDimensionGroupItem) || formDataSource.table() == tableNum(InventTable)) { formDataSource.reread(); formDataSource.rereadReferenceDataSources(); formDataSource.refresh();; } } } is free platform that allows you to quickly store and reuse snippets, notes, articles related to Dynamics AX.
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