Set objectList;Modify main method. Modify statement of following if conditions:
if (sysProjectFilterRunBase.prompt())To the following look:; if (sysProjectFilterRunBase.prompt()) {; } sysProjectFilterRunBase.write();Modify run method:
public void run(int _runNum = 1)Add following set initialization before while statement:
if (!objectList) { objectList = new Set(Types::String); }Add following code after standard line ( set.add(path); ):
if (1 != _runNum && ! { continue; // skip as we want to collect objects that meet all queries } else if (1 == _runNum) { objectList.add(path); continue; // at first step we do not want to add any elements }Usage: is free platform that allows you to quickly store and reuse snippets, notes, articles related to Dynamics AX.
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