priceAgr = PriceDisc::findItemPriceAgreement( ModuleInventPurchSales::Sales, retailInformationSubcodeTable.triggerCode, InventDim::find(InventDim::inventDimIdBlank()), inventTableModule.UnitId, SystemDateGet(), 1, salesTable.CustAccount, salesTable.CurrencyCode, CustTable::find(salesTable.CustAccount).PriceGroup // salesTable.PriceGroupId ); price = conPeek(priceAgr, 1); /* Price group can be 1. salesTable.PriceGroupId 2. CustTable.PriceGroup 3. from PriceDiscGroup table: salesTableExtended = salesTable.krfSalesTableExtended(); if (salesTableExtended.RetailChannelTable) { while select RecId from retailChannelPriceGroup where retailChannelPriceGroup.RetailChannel == salesTableExtended.RetailChannelTable join GroupId from priceDiscGroup where priceDiscGroup.RecId == retailChannelPriceGroup.PriceGroup { priceGroup += priceDiscGroup.GroupId; } } */ // Retail price retailSalesTable = salesTable.retailSalesTable(); retailStoreId = retailSalesTable.RetailStoreId; if (!retailStoreId) { select firstOnly StoreNumber from retailStoreTable where retailStoreTable.inventLocation == salesTable.InventLocationId &&retailStoreTable.ChannelType == RetailChannelType::RetailStore; retailStoreId = retailStoreTable.StoreNumber; } if (retailStoreId) { price = RetailPricingEngine::getRetailPriceByItem(retailStoreId, retailInformationSubcodeTable.triggerCode, inventTableModule.UnitId, InventDim::inventDimIdBlank(), DateTimeUtil::newDateTime(((salesTable.VKDiscountDate) ? salesTable.VKDiscountDate : SystemDateGet()), timeNow()), ''); } // Simple varian, it requires SalesTable context. Does not create SalesLine but just using it to get all price related information salesLine.clear(); salesLine.SalesId = salesTable.SalesId; salesLine.ItemId = 'ItemId'; salesLine.SalesQty = 1; salesLine.initFromInventTable(salesLine.inventTable());
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