protected container addTop(container _source, container _add) { int a; for (a = conLen(_add); a >= 1; a--) { _source = conIns(_source, 1, conPeek(_add, a)); } return _source; }
protected container copyErrors(container _con, container _new) { int length; int i = 3 ; length = conLen(_con); while (i <= length) { if (conPeek(conPeek(_con, i), #controlType) == #RFLabel && conPeek(conPeek(_con, i), #name) == #RFError) { _new = conIns(_new, 1, conPeek(_con, i)); } ++i; } return _new; }
protected container removeErrors(container _con) { int i = conLen(_con); while (i >= #ControlsStart) { if (conPeek(conPeek(_con, i), #controlType) == #RFLabel && conPeek(conPeek(_con, i), #name) == #RFError) { _con = conDel(_con, i, 1); } i--; } return _con; }
protected void resetPassValue(List _copyValues = null) { WHSRFPassthrough newPass = WHSRFPassthrough::newEmpty(); ListEnumerator le; if (pass.exists(#InventSiteId)) { newPass.insert(#InventSiteId, pass.lookup(#InventSiteId)); } if (pass.exists(#InventLocationId)) { newPass.insert(#InventLocationId, pass.lookup(#InventLocationId)); } if (pass.exists(#UserId)) { newPass.insert(#UserId, pass.lookup(#UserId)); } if (pass.exists(#UserSessionId)) { newPass.insert(#UserSessionId, pass.lookup(#UserSessionId)); } if (pass.exists(#MenuItem)) { newPass.insert(#MenuItem, pass.lookup(#MenuItem)); } if (!prmisDefault(_copyValues) && _copyValues) { le = _copyValues.getEnumerator(); le.reset(); while (le.moveNext()) { if (newPass.exists(le.current())) { newPass.remove(le.current()); } if (pass.exists(le.current())) { newPass.insert(le.current(), pass.lookup(le.current())); } } } pass = newPass; }
Usefull standard method to get inventDim from pass: \Classes\WHSWorkExecuteDisplay\initInventDimFromPassDimList
Usage: this.initInventDimFromPassDimList(inventDim, InventDim::dimFieldsList());
Or: \Classes\WHSWorkExecuteDisplay\createInventDimFromPass
Want to have dimension drop down controls?
We have to modify \Classes\WHSRFControlData\processData to force standard functionality correctly process new dimension controls.
Add following if statement almost to the end of method. Code should look like:
} // Product dimension drop down --> else if ((#ColorId == name || #SizeId == name || #ConfigId == name || #StyleId == name) && data) { hasError = controlData.processControl(name, data); if (hasError) { con = conPoke(con, i, conPoke(conPeek(con, i), #data, '')); con = conPoke(con, i, conPoke(conPeek(con, i), #error, '1')); break; } } // <-- Product dimension drop down else { controlData.populateData(name); } } } if (hasError) { con = controlData.rebuildContainer(con); } return [con, controlData.parmFieldValues().pack()];Call this method to build product dimension drop down controls.
protected container buildProductDimensionsDD( container _con, ItemId _itemId, boolean _populate = false) { container ret = _con; ListEnumerator le; FieldName fieldName; str elements; str value; le = InventDimGroupSetup::newItemIdProductDimensionsOnly(_itemId).activeFields().getEnumerator(); while (le.moveNext()) { fieldName = fieldId2name(tableNum(InventDim), le.current()); elements = this.buildProductDimSequenceGroupString(_itemId, le.current(), true); value = (_populate && pass.exists(fieldName)) ? pass.lookupStr(fieldName) : ''; ret += [this.buildControl(#RFCombobox, fieldName, fieldId2pname(tableNum(InventDim), le.current()), 1, elements, #WHSRFUndefinedDataType, '', 0, (pass.hasValue(fieldName)) ? false : true, value)]; } return ret; }
protected str buildProductDimSequenceGroupString( ItemId _itemId, FieldId _fieldId, boolean _showBlank) { InventDimCombination inventDimCombination; InventDim inventDim; Map map = new Map(Types::String, Types::Integer); str elements; boolean first = true; if (_showBlank) { elements = '||'; } if (_itemId) { while select RecId from inventDimCombination join inventDim where inventDimCombination.ItemId == _itemId &&inventDim.inventDimId == inventDimCombination.InventDimId { if (!map.exists(inventDim.(_fieldId))) { if (first) { first = false; } else { elements += '||'; } elements += inventDim.(_fieldId); map.insert(inventDim.(_fieldId), 1); } } } return elements; }
protected boolean checkInventDim(ItemId _itemId, boolean checkTrackingDimensions = true) { boolean ret = true; ListEnumerator le; FieldName fieldName; void checkValues() { while (le.moveNext()) { fieldName = fieldId2name(tableNum(InventDim), le.current()); if (!pass.hasValue(fieldName)) { ret = false; break; } } } le = InventDimGroupSetup::newItemIdProductDimensionsOnly(_itemId).activeFields().getEnumerator(); checkValues(); if (checkTrackingDimensions) { le = InventDimGroupSetup::newDimensionGroups(0, 0, InventTable::find(_itemId).trackingDimensionGroup()).activeFields().getEnumerator(); checkValues(); } return ret; }
protected InventDim getInventDim(ItemId _itemId, boolean setTrackingDimensions = true) { FieldId fieldId; InventDim inventDim; FieldName fieldName; ListEnumerator le; void getValues() { while (le.moveNext()) { fieldId = le.current(); fieldName = fieldId2name(tableNum(InventDim), fieldId); if (pass.exists(fieldName)) { inventDim.(fieldId) = pass.lookup(fieldName); } } } inventDim.clear(); le = InventDimGroupSetup::newItemIdProductDimensionsOnly(_itemId).activeFields().getEnumerator(); getValues(); if (setTrackingDimensions) { le = InventDimGroupSetup::newDimensionGroups(0, 0, InventTable::find(_itemId).trackingDimensionGroup()).activeFields().getEnumerator(); getValues(); } return inventDim; }
protected container buildUoMConversionText(container _ret, InventTable _inventTable, InventDimId _inventDimId) { container tmp; try { _ret += [this.buildControl(#RFLabel, "Invent Conversion", strFmt("1 %1 = %2 %3", pass.lookup(#SelectedValueUOM), InventTableModule::unitConvert(_inventTable.ItemId, ModuleInventPurchSales::Invent, pass.lookup(#SelectedValueUOM), 1, _inventDimId), _inventTable.inventUnitId()), 1, '', #WHSRFUndefinedDataType, '', 0)]; } catch { tmp = this.addErrorLabelFromInfolog(conNull(), infologLine(), WHSRFColorText::Error); _ret = this.addTop(_ret, tmp); } return _ret; }
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