class VKWHSWorkExecuteDisplayPriceEnquiry extends WHSWorkExecuteDisplay { #define.RFPriceLabel('PriceLabel') #define.RFBtnReset('VKReset') #define.RFBtnBack('VKBack') InventLocationId inventLocationId; }Add construct method to it
static VKWHSWorkExecuteDisplayPriceEnquiry construct() { VKWHSWorkExecuteDisplayPriceEnquiry workExecuteDisplayPriceEnquiry; workExecuteDisplayPriceEnquiry = new VKWHSWorkExecuteDisplayPriceEnquiry(); return workExecuteDisplayPriceEnquiry; }Main entry method is displayForm:
container displayForm(container _con, str _buttonClicked = '') { container con = _con, ret; boolean proceed = false; mode = WHSWorkExecuteMode::VKPriceEnquiry; pass = WHSRFPassthrough::create(conPeek(_con, #PassthroughInfo)); InventLocationId = WHSWorkUserSession::find(userId).InventLocationId; // Remove all error controls that left from previous state if any con = this.removeErrors(con); if (!step) { step = VKWHSRFPriceEnquiry::ItemSelection; } // Back button if (#RFBtnBack == _buttonClicked && step > 1) { step--; } // State transition and data update if (VKWHSRFPriceEnquiry::ItemSelection == step && #RFOK == _buttonClicked) { ret = this.updateItem(ret, con); } else if (VKWHSRFPriceEnquiry::ItemSelection == step && #RFBtnReset == _buttonClicked) { this.resetPassValue(); } // Build new UI from scratch switch (step) { // This example has only 1 screen. But real world usualy not so simple and you most probably will have several. // Add new enum elements and cases here. // Using enum will greatly improove support and general understanding of "what is going on here" case VKWHSRFPriceEnquiry::ItemSelection: ret = this.buildItemSelection(ret, _buttonClicked); break; default: break; } ret = this.updateModeStepPass(ret, mode, step, pass); return ret; }Method that will build item selection screen:
container buildItemSelection(container _ret, str _buttonClicked = '') { WHSInventTable whsInventTable; InventTable inventTable; ItemId itemId; InventDim inventDim; boolean dimCheck; RetailStoreTable retailStoreTable; UnitOfMeasureSymbol uom; Price price; if (pass.exists(#ItemId)) { itemId = pass.lookupStr(#ItemId); } if (itemId) { inventTable = InventTable::find(itemId); if (!inventTable) { itemId = ''; } if (itemId) { dimCheck = this.checkInventDim(itemId, false); } } _ret += [this.buildControl(#RFText, #ItemId, "@SYS14428", 1, itemId, extendedTypeNum(ItemId), '', 0, (itemId) ? false : true)]; if (pass.exists(#ItemId) && pass.lookup(#ItemId) != '') { whsInventTable = WHSInventTable::find(pass.lookup(#ItemId)); if (whsInventTable.rfDescription1) { _ret += [this.buildControl(#RFLabel, #RFDescription1, strFmt('\t %1', whsInventTable.rfDescription1), 1, '', #WHSRFUndefinedDataType, '', 0, false)]; } else { _ret += [this.buildControl(#RFLabel, #RFDescription1, strFmt('\t %1', inventTable.defaultProductName()), 1, '', #WHSRFUndefinedDataType, '', 0, false)]; } if (whsInventTable.rfDescription2) { _ret += [this.buildControl(#RFLabel, #RFDescription2, strFmt('\t %1', whsInventTable.rfDescription2), 1, '', #WHSRFUndefinedDataType, '', 0, false)]; } } if (itemId) { _ret = this.buildProductDimensionsDD(_ret, inventTable.ItemId, true); _ret = this.buildUOM(_ret, '', false, false, false, pass.lookupStr(#SelectedValueUOM), true); // Without this defaulting UoM selection will work only from second hit if (!pass.exists(#SelectedValueUOM)) { pass.insert(#SelectedValueUOM, ''); } inventDim = this.getInventDim(itemId, false); inventDim = InventDim::findOrCreate(inventDim); if (dimCheck && pass.exists(#SelectedValueUOM) && pass.lookup(#SelectedValueUOM) != '' && pass.lookup(#SelectedValueUOM) != inventTable.inventUnitId()) { _ret = this.buildUoMConversionText(_ret, inventTable, inventDim.inventDimId); } if (dimCheck) { uom = pass.lookupStr(#SelectedValueUOM); if (uom) { select firstOnly StoreNumber from retailStoreTable where retailStoreTable.inventLocation == InventLocationId &&retailStoreTable.ChannelType == RetailChannelType::RetailStore; if (retailStoreTable.StoreNumber) { price = RetailPricingEngine::getRetailPriceByItem(retailStoreTable.StoreNumber, itemId, uom, inventDim.inventDimId, DateTimeUtil::newDateTime(SystemDateGet(), timeNow()), InventDimCombination::find(itemId, inventDim.inventDimId).RetailVariantId); } _ret += [this.buildControl(#RFLabel, #RFPriceLabel, strFmt("Price: %1", price), 1, '', #WHSRFUndefinedDataType, '', 0, false)]; } } } _ret += [this.buildControl(#RFButton, #RFOK, "@SYS5473", 1, '', #WHSRFUndefinedDataType, '', 1)]; _ret += [this.buildControl(#RFButton, #RFBtnReset, "@SYS3073", 1, '', #WHSRFUndefinedDataType, '', 1)]; _ret = this.addCancelButton(_ret, true, true); return _ret; }If you want to select all items not only those that available physically add an exception here \Classes\WHSRFControlData\processControl in case related to #ItemId (case #ItemId:)
mode != WHSWorkExecuteMode::TransferOrderLineReceiving && mode != WHSWorkExecuteMode::TransferOrderLineReceivingAndLocate && mode != WHSWorkExecuteMode::ChangeBatchDisposition && mode != WHSWorkExecuteMode::VKPriceEnquiry && WHSRFMenuItemTable::getWHSWorkExecuteMode(WHSRFMenuItemTable::find(menuItemName)) != WHSWorkExecuteMode::AdjustmentIn)Method that processes inbound data.
private container updateItem(container _ret, container _con) { container tmpFieldValues, tmp; Map fieldValues; try { // Update data in pass variable [_con, tmpFieldValues] = WHSRFControlData::processData(_con, pass); fieldValues = WHSRFPassthrough::create(tmpFieldValues); pass = this.combineMaps(pass, fieldValues); // Price enquiry activity does involve any data changes or other actions. But in real life you may want to add some actions here. if (this.hasError(_con)) { _ret = this.copyErrors(_con, _ret); } } catch { tmp = this.addErrorLabelFromInfolog(conNull(), infologLine(), WHSRFColorText::Error); _ret = this.addTop(_ret, tmp); } return _ret; }Add all general methods from RF Interface. General methods.
case WHSWorkExecuteMode::VKPriceEnquiry : return VKWHSWorkExecuteDisplayPriceEnquiry::construct(); is free platform that allows you to quickly store and reuse snippets, notes, articles related to Dynamics AX.
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