\Classes\SysTreeNode\allowCheckInAnd in debugger change return value from false to true.
\Classes\SysBPCheck\initIgnoreMap3. Make changes as in bold to newly created method:
public static void SLNinitIgnoreMap(XppPrePostArgs _args) { -> #define.IgnoreMacro("\\macros\\SLNSysBPCheckIgnore") int errorCode; str errorCodeStr; TreeNodePath path; Set set; Set ignoreSet; SetEnumerator enum; XmlReader xmlReader; Map errorCodeMap = new Map(Types::String, Types::Integer); TreeNode macroNode; -> TreeNode bpIgnoreMacroNode = TreeNode::findNode(#IgnoreMacro); -> //TreeNode bpStyleExceptionsMacroNode = TreeNode::findNode(#pathForStyleExceptionList); Array macroArray = new Array(Types::Class); int i; -> SysBPCheck sysBPCheck = _args.getThis(); -> Map ignoreMap; -> //ignoreMap = new Map(Types::Integer, Types::Class); -> ignoreMap = sysBPCheck.parmIgnoreMap(); if (!bpIgnoreMacroNode) { -> throw error("@SYS28152", #IgnoreMacro); } -> //if (!bpStyleExceptionsMacroNode) -> //{ -> // throw error("@SYS28152", #pathForStyleExceptionList); -> //} macroArray.value(1, bpIgnoreMacroNode); -> //macroArray.value(2, bpStyleExceptionsMacroNode);4. Add new Post Event Handler Subscription at method
\Classes\SysBPCheck\initIgnoreMapAnd point it to SLNinitIgnoreMap created in previous steps
static void sysBPCheckIgnoreReload(Args _args) { SysCompilerOutput::updateParm(); }
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