static void testReadXml(Args _args) { str sourceXMLFile, sNumber, sName; XmlDocument xmlDocument; XmlNodeList nodeList, childNodeList; XmlNode node; XmlElement element; XMLNodeListIterator xmlNodeListIterator; Counter counter; int i, j; ; sourceXMLFile = @"<Message><School id='203'> <Student> <Number>001</Number> <Name>Stud_A</Name> <Relation> <Id>1</Id> </Relation> </Student> <Student> <Number>002</Number> <Name>Stud_B</Name> <Relation> <Id>2</Id> </Relation> </Student> <Student> <Number>003</Number> <Name>Stud_C</Name> <Relation> <Id>3</Id> </Relation> </Student> </School></Message>"; xmlDocument = XmlDocument::newXml(sourceXMLFile); // single node node = xmlDocument.selectSingleNode('Message//School'); element = xmlDocument.selectSingleNode('Message//School'); // attribute info(element.getAttribute('id')); // list iteration #1 nodeList = xmlDocument.selectNodes('//School//Student'); xmlNodeListIterator = new xmlNodeListIterator(nodeList); while(xmlNodeListIterator.moreValues()) { counter++; node = xmlNodeListIterator.value(); sNumber = node.selectSingleNode('Number').text(); sName = node.selectSingleNode('Name').text(); info(strFmt("Record %1: Number - %2, Name - %3", counter, sNumber, sName)); xmlNodeListIterator.nextValue(); } // list iteration #2 nodeList = xmlDocument.selectNodes('Message//School//Student'); for (i = 0; i < nodeList.length(); i++) { childNodeList = nodeList.item(i).childNodes(); for (j = 0; j < childNodeList.length() ; j++) { node = childNodeList.item(j); if (node.baseName() == 'Relation') { info(node.innerXml()); break; } } } } is free platform that allows you to quickly store and reuse snippets, notes, articles related to Dynamics AX.
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