private void setPOSIsLanguageText() { // VK MOD BEGIN RecordInsertList listLanguageText; RetailLanguageText languageText; languageId companyLanguage; void addText(RetailTextId _textId, RetailTextEx5 _text) { languageText.clear(); languageText.initValue(); languageText.TextId = _textId; languageText.Text = _text; languageText.languageId = companyLanguage; languageText.dateCreated = today(); languageText.dateUpdated = languageText.dateCreated; languageText.Active = NoYes::Yes; if (!RetailLanguageText::find(companyLanguage, _textId)) { listLanguageText.add(languageText); } } companyLanguage = CompanyInfo::languageId(); listLanguageText = new RecordInsertList(tableNum(RetailLanguageText), true, false, true); // Add here all required language texts in same way like line below addText(3924, "@VK324"); listLanguageText.insertDatabase(); // VK MOD END // no records progressCounter++; progress.setCount(progressCounter); progress.setText(strFmt("%1", tableStr(RetailLanguageText))); }All language texts stated in the method abowe will be automatically re-created at new environment after retail initialization (Retail / Setup / Parameters / Retail parameters, button Initialise):
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